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Our Services

Our expertise is in research, writing and complex regulatory and administrative project management. Our services include content production, program design, program administration, and project management for licensure and compliance. This includes grant writing and administration, strategic and consolidated planning, redevelopment consulting, impact-oriented program design, curriculum development, accreditation, and licensure processes.

We work on behalf of public entities and nonprofits along with select businesses and fine artists.

While our focus is on the projects we are assigned, we don't think in a vaccum. From project conceptualization to impact evaluation, we act as a full partner who is committed to how the success of our project impacts our client’s overall success.


Industry Specific Compliance + Licensure

We are expert guides to the world of government bureaucracy. Our industry clients greatly value our combination of experience in government agencies, state legislatures, as local elected officials and as issue-based lobbyists. We provide expertise on how to approach new and ongoing compliance, licensure and other government reporting processes. Our Project Managers and Writers take responsibility for the full scope of complex compliance and licensure projects, developing content that positions our clients for success, coordinating supporting documentation with your legal and accounting experts, and communicating with your lobbyist. Recent projects include:

  • Cannabis industry licensure - State of NJ

  • Degree-granting institution of higher education licensure - State of NJ

  • Go-to-market strategy development - Education technology sales to Local Education Agencies (LEAs)

  • Go-to-market strategy development - Energy Efficiency sales to state and local government agencies


Grant Research, Program Development + Content Production

We help our clients identify best fit grant opportunities and provide assistance with every step of the grant application process: Pre-Award, Award and Post-Award. Each phase requires detailed reporting, where the grantee communicates to the granting agency that it understands its role and the grant deliverables, has built a team that is capable of completing those deliverables, and has expended all grant funds in accordance with the grant agreement. A skilled grants consultant is a useful asset during any phase of a particular grant project, but ideally will be on board as early as possible to help new grantees avoid pitfalls that can cause unnecessary complications later in the grant cycle. Aubrey Group Project Managers can act as advisors on the sidelines or take full charge of a grant writing project, producing all of the required content and handling the submission process.

The “Grant Program” encompasses all of the deliverables that you will achieve with grant funding, whether your goal is to establish and fund an after-school athletics program or plan a major revitalization effort for your community’s downtown area. Aubrey Group Consultants work closely with our clients to understand their vision. We then advise on how to best align that vision with the priorities of funding organizations. We develop a Grant Program that forms the basis of the grant application and the eventual grant deliverables. This may include preparing economic feasibility studies, operational management plans, drafting program management job descriptions and performing strategy development for recruiting, marketing / program outreach, data collection, and retention and performance measurement.


Community Strategic Planning

Once leadership has established a vision, strategic planning is a crucial second step to charting the course to ensure that the vision becomes reality. Our consultants work with clients and their key constituents to refine and document a shared vision and map out a course of action to achieve it. This planning process is supportive of many of our clients’ big-picture goals, such as neighborhood revitalization and redevelopment, arts district planning, and business improvement district planning. We measure success in our strategic planning projects not only by the quality of the documents and presentations prepared, but by the successful implementation of the real world goals that they are meant to achieve. Often, strategic plans form a part of larger grant program development and act as a catalyst for attracting crucial financial resources.


HUD Community Development Block Grant Services

We help communities plan, implement and report on their Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), Home Investment Partnerships Program (HOME), Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) programs. We provide comprehensive Consolidated Planning services, including writing and submitting 5 Year Consolidated Plans, Annual Action Plans, Environmental Record Review and CAPER reporting. Our staff develop and advise on all elements of the planning and reporting requirements that HUD requires of its grantee communities, including Citizen Participation Plans, Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice, and Section 3 Plans. Our staff closely follows HUD policy and practice developments, so that we can advise our clients and help them achieve the greatest possible impact with their limited resources.


Our Relationships


We take pride in the trust we build with our clients.

Our client base includes units of local governments, nonprofits and impact-oriented real estate developers working on the front lines of urban development and rural preservation. Aubrey Group consultants share in our clients' passion for working hard to improve our communities. We take the time to meet with leadership, develop a strategic plan, and perform targeted program development, which lead to competitive funding proposals. We also advise on program management and offer grant adminsitration services.
